Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Pretties from Pickering!

Hello Folks!

Now, where to start? Blimey, what a time I’ve had of late! The Thursday before last saw the Tickety clan make their merry way (well, made our way…) up to, wait for it…. ‘The North’!!!

Our Destination: Pickering, North Yorkshire puddin’ land.

The Duration: 9 days.

Our Objective: have a holiday, rest, eat out lots, find lots of tat, time travel and be a ‘model’ (of sorts).

I won’t go into much detail of our holiday now, and will leave that for another post. Why ? I hear you cry! Well, I’m having a bit of trouble deciding how to write about the ‘1940’s event’ we also attended whilst up there. You see, I only have one decent picture to share from the whole three days that the wartime thingy took over…. I know, I’m useless… call me a blogger! So I might just forget about that aspect and show some of my other holiday snaps instead! :)

Anyroad, even if my holiday lacked photographic evidence, one thing it most certainly didn’t fall short on was vintage tat finding expeditions! Woohoo!

On the very first day I found a bounty of goodness, which would have kept me chipper even if I had not come across anything else that week! Oh the joys of knitting patterns and George Formby! ♥♥♥

Time to start the showing of the newly acquired tat, me thinks….

 Two Stitchcraft's and a super edition of Fancy Needlework (1930s)... fancy!
I already own the wartime Stitchcraft, but my original copy is a little on the tatty side. Plus it was such a good price I couldn't pass!

Eee, Mother! It's a George Formby songbook... found by my, well, mother!
I picked up the dish next to him- It's a rather nice pullover pattern in thick wools too!
The George Formby Songbook is grand- I adore all the little doodles of George in it. (If you are lucky, I'll do a separate blog about it). It also has one of my favourite GF Songs, 'It's in the air'.. hence the cover pic of George in a RAF uniform!
These airmail envelopes appealed to me too. Sadly they don't have the letters, though. :(
Now we move onto Friday's (and the rest of the week's)  purchases....
Mummy earned a zillion brownie points finding me these autographs! I L.O.V.E Harry Roy. I inwardly squeal with happiness each time I look at Harry's fine face... oh what a face.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, in total I now own 4 autographs- Two of dearest Harry ♥♥
One of Henry Hall ♥ (who I also rather like, but he only gets one heart at the moment! Plus, I'm not called Keith Foster!) and
one of Harry Leader. 
Oh my! Just look at my beautiful bandleaders! :)

PATTERNS... We found some sewing patterns!
Oh what useful patterns these will be! I have so many occasions where I need to wear a dance frock or bridesmaid dress....Still, I really fancy making these two dresses up sometime. I'm thinking about shortening them to make them more wearable or just make the top half as a blouse?
I don't need the Maternity pattern either, but I do like a nice smock! The Jacket is a lovely pattern too- it has a half-belt at the back.
Another Needlewoman to tick off the list! And two more pretty jumpers for the collection...
One for the 'To knit' list me thinks....
KNICKERS! I'll show them off properly at some point, but until then...
 the yellow pair are Utility and look like fairy knickers (win), and the blue pair are bloomers (win). Both fit perfectly too!
Some odds and ends...
I have a thing for darning outfits- there's something  really appealing about the colours of old silks and threads, and the fact that they represent the dying art of mending hosiery... I love them!
Another point of sale for my mini collection....
More Snaps.... Oh me and old photos....
A cute wartime love letter, cards and a grumpy airman... all things I like! ♥♥♥
And last, but by no means least, a lovely new chap. I'm rather fond of hand coloured photos, so I couldn't leave him in the shop. I thought he was quite unusual in the fact he's sporting a few tattoos. Both Ma and I are now wondering if he has any more! Notice how nicely he tones in with my new knickers too... it's like he was meant to be! (Don't worry, I don't always choose my men this way!)
I haven't named this chap yet- I'm going to take him out of his fame and see if there's anything written on the back first... I'll keep you posted!
Well, that's enough showing off from me I think. I hope you enjoyed seein' me bits, as I'm rather proud of me finds I must say!
Till the next time....
Your Tupney xxx

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The Cottontail Topper!

Hello there, tis I, the owner of this much neglected blog!
Today I thought I’d share the hat that was bought on my birthday way back in May. I’m pretty sure I promised to show it off at the time, but, as usual, I forgot all about doing it until recently. Then again, wearing a bit of fluff in the summer months seems a little funny, no? So now we’ve reached the autumn months, it's finally  (FINALLY) the perfect time to show it off. After all, it’s nice to have a bit of vintage fluff when the winds blow cold!
Cue silliness....
Believe it or not, this little cutie was saved for me- aren’t I a lucky girlie! I had been secretly after a little late 30’s / early 40’s fluff topped hat like this too, so I guess it was meant to be! I’m not really up on furs, but I presume the fluff is rabbit? So I must apologise for the title! :o
I know some people don't like wearing fur, and I would never advocate the buying of new fur garments, but I'm of the opinion that vintage fur should be worn and enjoyed otherwise it will only go to waste. So I'm going to give it another life, whether people like it not!


Here’s a few snaps taken on a proper model- my gorgeous, but somewhat battered hat mannequin, Miss Hattie Jacoll!

People! It has a BOW!


You may be interested to know a little about my dress too! Well, I’ve owned it for donkey’s years- it’s American (fancy!) and dates from 1941. Unfortunately I’ve never worn it as it’s now totally unwearable in my eyes. All I can say is that a previous owner must have got a bit hot and bothered when wearing it, and the dress now sports some delightful fading under the arms! I bet she was fond of  a spot of Jitterbugging now and then! Ooh, I can just imagine this dress swirling around a dashing American chap...  * cough... a Jimmy Stewart lookalike.... cough* Ok, that girl is totally forgiven!!!
Right, that's enough silly snaps of me in my new-ish to me hat (bar the two to come!). I have a pile of knitting that needs my undivided attention....
So, here's to the next time dear followers.
Tupps xxxx



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