Hullo there- long time no wittering.
Well me lovelies, it was my Grandpa pa’s birthday yesterday so guess what (You will never guess after reading the title!!!) on Saturday we went to an airshow. It was wondrous, if not a little on the windy/rainy/ cold side. But thankfully the aircraft on show made up entirely for the foul weather tendencies.
The day was full of lovely rumblie noises from the jets ( and no, it wasn't my tummy making itself heard at lunchtime!) and of course aircraft of all shapes, sizes and eras, while the airfield saw a littering of waterproofed clad people(including myself- but mine was flowery and matched impeccably with my burgandy 40's skirt!), airforce blue berets, and the country set in their lovely tweeds and Barbours. There were retail opportunities too- but no old junk (blah, so I wasn’t interested), classic cars, a little ww2 section with jeeps (squeeeeeeeeal!), fun fair rides (no thank you) and the most upmarket portaloos I have ever seen- none of those horrific blue plastic boxes that I have a severe aversion towards- these ones had lights, proper basins(ooow arh). Mind you, I can’t tell you about the cubicles as I didn’t make use, but I saw enough to be impressed!!! Well nuff said about that me thinks, back onto the planes…..
So what did we see? …. A big noisy one, a yellow one, a really pretty coloured fast one, a pretty little thing that was used throughout ww2- the elliptical winged one- oh darn it, what is it called !!! Hehe, don’t worry I know a little more about planes than that! Not much more mind you, so I apologise in advance as you might find this annoying
a) if you are not a fan of aircraft, and
b) if you are a fan of aircraft- you will cringe at how basic my knowledge is!
To be honest I don’t marvel at the engineering side of the craft- well I do, as it does hold a little interest within me- what I mean is when it gets too technical I switch off. I judge an aircraft purely buy its appearance (I’m such a girl), how it can be manoeuvred, if it makes a pleasing noise or not (I'm mad), and what connection it has to history and to certain people (mainly the dashing RAF pilots of ww2 or the extremely glamorous ATA girls! Not forgetting the groundcrew and the guys and gals who built and maintained them!) Usually if I enjoy watching it, and it makes my hairs stand up on the back of my neck or makes me a little teary- it’s a good’un!
So to the pictures I took or in some cases I didn't take... if only they would stop for me to take a decent picture!!!
Didn't get a good pic of this Hawker Hunter
Designed By Sydney Camm (Sir)... |
... the same dude (hehe) who designed the Hawker Hurricane-'the backbone of the Battle of Britain'. (Don’t thump me spitfire fanciers.) It says in the program that he also designed the Hawker Typhoon, Hawker Tempest, and the Hawker Sea Fury- to name but a few- a right clever little Mr, wasn't he!
The Folland (Hawker Siddeley) Gnat. |
Supermarine Spitfire. BBMF |
BBMF Dakota- in its new colours with D Day stripes! |
One of the Black Cats (Westland Lynx- Royal Navy) landing on my Pa's Umbrella! |
Meteor NF11...
(this flew with a De Havilland Venom) |
... the Gloster Meteor (the first British Jet Fighter) entered service with the RAF in June 1944 and was used to intercept the unmanned German jet missiles- the V-1 flying bombs. It was later used for ground attack and armed reconnaissance. This one is a Armstrong-Whitworth Night Fighter 11- flight tests started in 1949.
This was probably Grandpa pa's favourite aircraft of the show as he worked on it when he worked for the Gloster Aircraft company. I'm not sure what he did- I will have to ask- maybe it's a future post!
And last but by no means least....
A truly amazing sight and sound to behold- The Avro Vulcan B2 XH558.
I might add the world's only flying example!
Righty-ho, I fear you may have given up on me by now- sorry. :(
Obviously there were others too but even I’m getting fed up now with putting in the pictures- grrr.
I shall endeavour to return with something pretty and vintage very soon.-Maybe a picture or two of my new knitteds? A Mystic Mug, or even some of mine and Ma's 'Tickety Boo' finds? Decisions, Decisions!
Cheerio All.
Tupps xxx