Miss Baked Bean at the end of the Day with no Lippy on- shock horror! |
Well Folks, I can now breathe a sigh of relief! My little fashion exhibition for the 1940's evening at the Black Country Living Museum went,
I’m glad to say, without too many hitches (naturally there were a few, but hey,
they could have been worse!).
I’ve shown my wares (haha) quite a few times, and I always have a moment
before I arrive when I get all nervy, but for some reason this time, I really
did have the jitters, though weeks before instead. I will quite honestly say
that I was just plain scared, as I felt a tad under qualified to be part of such
a wonderful place! I feel like I’m still in-between roles at the moment- not quite a reenactor,
but a little more than the average member of the public!
In the end it turned out that my fears were unjustified, they were all extremely
lovely and appreciative, and it was to be a lovely laid back event, with the
most wonderful summers evening we have had this... well, soggy summer!
Black Country Living Museum also makes the perfect location for this kind of event,
as it really did look like you were back in the 40's (well, if you got rid of
the public it did!). It was a shame that I was tied to my tables for most of
the evening as I haven't been to the museum in about ten years and much has
changed. I did manage to pop out now and then to have a shufty at what
was going on, buy a few bits to add to my collection... got moved on by a policeman
saying "Move along ladies, I know what you are waiting here for..."
or something along those lines, then came back later saying he had half a crown
(wink, wink)! You know, twas the usual evening out!!!
Well anyway that’s enough of my waffle. I say “To the pictures!”
I’m also adding a disclaimer here for the bad quality. The early ones
taken in the light aren’t very good- a little rushed, while the later ones were
taken when it was much quieter, and much darker. You see, there were four light
fittings in the school house, one for each of my fellow exhibitors/ friends,
but it just so happenes that the light bulb over my corner was the one that
didn’t work- bloomin’ typical! And look 'ere, I’m waffling again!
Excuses made…. To the pictures and this time I mean it…..
It's my usual way of showing off the
stuff...."The pile it all in" and the "heaven forbid a piece of
table cloth should show" look. Actually I don't pile it all in, however
much it may look like it- a lot of angst was had whilst trying to decide where to
put everything (I was inwardly panicking!). Also a lot of it stayed in boxes ; (
Matters were made worse by the fact
that I was table-less for quite a bit of our set up time, resulting in Tupney
still putting things out when the public arrived!
I really need to try and compact my exhibition,
just in case I get asked to do another one somewhere,-this one only just fitted in
the car! Still, it's an improvement on the 8 hours it took for me to fill a church once!
Some wedding dresses and Mini Rex in his rather lovely
pinstripe jacket! To the right of him are some utility swimming trunks with the
most moth holes ever seen on a single pair of trunks, aptly named
"Leeknit", though I think it's Lee-knit really!!!
My super new
display cases!
With some Board of
Trade leaflets on "Make do and Mend", homemade jewellery, ration
Whilst the case on
the right holds, make up in wartime packaging, more jewellery and wavers!
One of my favourite
With some of my most
precious bits in- including both an RAF and Merchant Navy instruction booklet
for "Knitted Comforts"- may I say with their badges too!. A handmade
POW ciggy case with adorable engraving, two RAF sweetheart rings, sweetheart compacts
and brooches, war collection badges and a propaganda hankie.
Notice the lovely suit on the left- How come it fits Miss Busty here and not me anymore eh? I'm going to have to try and compact my shoulders and while I'm at it, shorten my arms too!

Some Kiddies bits.....
I had to strip Edmund of his Shirt
(green), tie, zipper, and cap. Though I drew the line at his shorts, because the
prospect of battling with two detachable legs in such a small space.... well it
wasn’t worth the hassle! Special notes go to the utility Liberty
bodice (bottom left) and the beyond cute, red leather, rabbit fur and sheepskin
lined utility slippers (top left)- please someone make them bigger!
The washing line, with lots of
utility undercrackers- you can't really see them, but I do rather like the
peach bloomers with the elastic at both ends. Tupps says they are...
" comfy and roomy, with the added
bonus of no drafts!".
Also the Smock is made from
Horrockses Utility fabric. It may only be a smock, but it's extremely snappy
and stylish on.
darling little lace blouse was a gift, and is annoyingly a tad on the small size.
If I can get the material, then it's one I would love to copy. Also, the gorgeous
Utility Monks shoes on the left are Mammy’s (I could spit as they are too big
for my tootsies!), but the cute utility bar strappy ones fit me fine- yay!
Another view (bored yet?)
Utility Wool Jacket for when it got chilly around town!
Black felt tilt hat, black suede shoes (not shown) for tottering around, Corde bag and my sturdy tan leather walkers for the sorting of bits!
Apparently I was showing too much knee, well, according to one lady I was.
Right'o, that’s
enough for today.
I have more to share
(nothing to do with my display you will be glad to know!)
but I thought I would
do it in two parts so to give you a comfort break ;)
Ta Ta
Tupney xxx