Hullo Girls and Boys, Tupney here!
Today’s witterings will almost certainly not be of any interest to the men
folk, so if you be a fella (?) I tells ya look away now and go do some tinkering in the
shed, build walls, read a newspaper or fiddle with an engine, as I'm about to
talk about hair styling (groan!). You can, of course, stay and have a chuckle
at the silly photos, if you like....
Well my girlie-wigs, I had my barnet cut on Monday and I decided not set it
after the chop like I normally would (shock, horror!). Why? Well I wanted to
have a nice curly top ready for the weekend’s happenings, so instead I did a
bit of experimental hair twirling- otherwise known as pin curling to normal
Thankfully, but also annoyingly I have a lot of hair (My hair dresser says
it grows like a bush- haha!) and the mere thought of pin curling my whole
noggin fills me with dread, and in my desperation (I absolutely hate my normal
hair by the way) I decided to pin curl just the front, then went to Bedfordshire.
Well anyway, I was quite pleased with the results and thought I would share the 'how to'
as it takes no time at all, is fairly 40’s-ish and it also might help you out on those ‘cant
be bothered days’ too!
So you will need:
*A head, with hair- preferably a female one with shoulder length or longer hair.
I got my fringe cut to my nose, which actually I was a bit worried about as I
thought my nose was longer, but thankfully you can still work with a 6 inch
*A comb and your favourite brush.
*Kirby grips.
*Dinkie curlers (in the end I used some rollers for the stubborn
Notes: I'm working with bone dry, clean hair. Naturally the results would be a lot crisper and longer lasting if done on towel dried hair, spritzed with setting lotion!
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1. Just one to show what I'm working with!
2.Section the back from the front, separating from your ear straight up to your parting on both sides.
4. |
3. |
3. Pull back the back and roll upwards...
4. ..and Pin!
Notes: if you want better curls, make the sections smaller, like you would if you were pin curling properly!
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5.The finished roll...(hehe nearly crossed eyes in this one!)
6. Start sectioning off the front sides and rolling the pincurls up towards you parting- I made three on each side...
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8. |
7. At the top make about four or five more pin curls, rolling either towards, or away from you parting depending on if you want a wave or would rather a roll!
8. The finished setting. You may be able to get away without the dinkies.
Note: I have used dinkies on the very top- adding a couple of extra due to my new very short layers and heavy hair.
Now go off, have a shower, go to bed, waste time on the Internet, or if you are like me... get dressed!
In other words leave it for a while!
1. |
2. |
1.Brush all the left hand curls together- brushing up and out and smoothing the ends, then leave for the time being. Do the same on the other side.
2. Start brushing the top, pulling upwards and again, smoothing the ends.
Don't worry, the clown look wont last for long!
3. |
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3.Brush the very front curls right back, then push back with whichever hand your brush isn't in. This should form the wave.
4. Still with your other hand holding the wave, keep combing and pulling until you get the desired look/ wave, then pin. If you have done this on dry hair you may need some brylcreem to smooth out the frizz!
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5. |
5. Go back to the side parts and start backcombing- just enough to give you a little 'stay'. If you want more body in the side swishes (That's a technical term!!!) then keep on backcombing!
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7. |
6. After backcombing keep each side piece in your hand and comb over a finger (not the chocolate variety!) to form an end curl and pin near the curl.
7. Brush out the back (I just kept on brushing downwards. I didn't bother to brush any of the curls back in.) Oh and my whole left arm seems to have disappeared- I was actually brushing if you see the mirror's reflection!

8. |
8. With your fingers push down towards your face.
Spray with some hair spray and then admire your new hair-do
Yes I know. I didn't get a very good picture of the end result.... I had quite a nice front wave too- bloomin' typical! My excuse is that I was rushed for time!
So there you have it...
Tuppy's quick curly top!
Cheerio All
Tickety Boo Tupney xxx