Showing posts with label It's Piece of Cake.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label It's Piece of Cake.. Show all posts

Friday, 9 November 2012

"It's a Piece of Cake!"

If only the same could be said about my endeavours in embroidery, but then again, you can't even compare my traumatic experiences with the craft, with that of the experiences that our brave airmen (and their contemporaries) faced daily during the war...

As some of you will know, I have taken on the mammoth task of an embroidered patchwork quilt, and I made the decision early on to concentrate on everything Air force-y to start with, before I commence on the other services... to cut a long story short, I've started with anything to do with the R.A.F. and haven't got very far (an understatement!) even with a filtered target!
The R.A.F crest is driving me nuts, not helped by the fact I'm not great with embroidery (yeah I know...why on earth did I willingly choose to do this?!), and I really needed to do something a little less involved.....

Well Folks, here's my first completed embroidered patch for my quilt. I know it's not perfect, but I'm proud of it nonetheless.. dodgy stitches and all! Oh and a note to self- don't eat a Cinnamon pinwheel and work on the patches at the same time. They do not work well together and I have now got to sponge the results of that terrible partnership off my patch!


The finished patch and my famous (well perhaps not famous, but the family do like it!) Carrot cake!
I seem to be fated not to publish my RAF Fridays lately- my planned post for today, which actually should have been next weeks,  because last weeks edition wasn't the 'planed' post either (confused yet)... where was I.... oh yes,... today's planned edition will have to be postponed, yet again, due to dull weather Ah ell, such conditions cannot be helped and anyway, it gives me the opportunity to show of a gift from Pappy dearest. (also the inspiration for the above patch)

I've been looking for an original copy of this for quite a while and I mightily pleased pappy bid on it without my knowing. I actually had made up my mind not to bid on it (I must have been having a funny five minuets at the time!), so it was a most welcome surprise!

It's a fantastic little booklet filled with slang used by the services (on the whole)
- some are hilarious, some are rather naughty, and some are now considered not very PC, but it makes for a very interesting read, even if I forget most of them after finishing each page (my brain is like a sieve I tells ya!).

Also if you fancy getting hold of a copy, a reprint is now available of a similar publication called “Service Slang” and is only a few pounds to buy.

(Front Page)




For Scrambled Eggs, Line Shooters, Erks, Ships that Pass in the Night, Brown Types, Civvies, Penguins, A/C Plonks, Devil-Dodgers, Sprogs, lady-Birds, Popsies, and any Dim Types Who Are Interested.

(Here’s a task for you.... can you decode it- no prizes I'm afraid!)

By Squadron Leader C.H.Ward-Jackson
with drawings


Flying Officer David Langdon.


They say that the Sergeant's a very nice chap,
Oh ! What a tale to tell !
Ask him for leave on a Saturday Night-
He'll pay your fare home as well.
There's many an airman has blighted his life
Thro' writing rude words on the wall,
You'll get no promotion this side of the ocean,
So cheer up, my lads, Bless' Em All.
   The R.A.F. Trooping Song
Bless 'Em All.


Happy R.A.F Friday and
Here's to the next time
(hark at me going all Henry Hall on you!)
Tupney xxx


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